Chat & Discuss Documents. Securely, Without Sharing.

Chat & Discuss Documents. Securely, Without Sharing.

Give people exactly the information they need, but nothing more.
It's what we call zero trust collaboration.

Client Confidentiality

Due Dilligence

Legal Audits

Fear of information leaks
is a thing of the past

End-to-End Encryption

Built by security experts so that you can share files with confidence and revoke access at any time.

AI Powered Redaction

Flip toggle switches to determine types of data you want redacted and let 

AI do the work.

Privacy Preserving Queries with AI

The people who you invite use an AI prompt to ask questions and they see only what they need.

Fear of information leaks is a things of the past

Fear of information leaks is a thing of the past

Fear of information leaks is a thing of the past

End to End Encryption
AI Powered Redaction
Privacy Preserving Queries with AI

How it works

Install Qypt on your device

It takes minutes to set up and upload encrypted files.

Define what’s ok to share

Use AI to redact different types of data and restrict what questions can be asked of your documents.

Invite others to review

Your collaborators will install the Qypt app and use an AI prompt to ask questions about the document.

Collaborate as a group

See who has engaged and what questions have been asked. You can revoke access to your encrypted documents at any time.

Ready to try Qypt

Ready to try Qypt

Ready to try Qypt

Copyright ©2024 Qypt GmbH

Copyright ©2024 Qypt GmbH