Level-up your confidential collaboration





500 MB Storage

10 Groups

End to End Encrypted

Unlimited AI Queries

Add Participants

48 Hour support

Starter (Coming Soon)


5 GB Storage

Unlimited Groups

More Document Privacy

Unlimited AI Queries

Large File Support

Premium support


Contact us

100+ GB

25 Users or more

Private Groups & Documents

Enterprise Ready Features

Custom AI Models

Premium support





500 MB Storage

10 Groups

End to End Encrypted

Unlimited AI Queries

Add Participants

48 Hour support

Starter (Coming Soon)


5 GB Storage

Unlimited Groups

More Document Privacy

Unlimited AI Queries

Large File Support

Premium support


Contact us

100+ GB

25 Users or more

Private Groups & Documents

Enterprise Ready Features

Custom AI Models

Premium support





500 MB Storage

10 Groups

End to End Encrypted

Unlimited AI Queries

Add Participants

48 Hour support

Starter (Coming Soon)


5 GB Storage

Unlimited Groups

More Document Privacy

Unlimited AI Queries

Large File Support

Premium support


Contact us

100+ GB

25 Users or more

Private Groups & Documents

Enterprise Ready Features

Custom AI Models

Premium support

Frequently asked

How does the Qypt enhance the security of my files and messages?

What type of privacy settings does Qypt provide?

How does the app cater to different industries?

Frequently asked

How does the Qypt enhance the security of my files and messages?

What type of privacy settings does Qypt provide?

How does the app cater to different industries?

Frequently asked

How does the Qypt enhance the security of my files and messages?

What type of privacy settings does Qypt provide?

How does the app cater to different industries?

Frequently asked

How does the Qypt enhance the security of my files and messages?

What type of privacy settings does Qypt provide?

How does the app cater to different industries?

Copyright ©2024 Qypt GmbH

Copyright ©2024 Qypt GmbH